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About Us

Our Story

Apex Advanced Technologies was formed in 2000 as a Limited Liability Corporation with venture capital from a group of investors. 

The technical base of the company was to make binders and additives that interface with metal and ceramic powdered materials in unique ways. Apex started with metal injection molding compound and has developed a unique reverse debind technology as well as unique surfactant technologies. Apex Advanced Technologies currently holds numerous patents in the area.

The company focus changed in 2001 to lubricants and binders based on chemistries similar to those used in MIM. Apex currently holds numerous patents for a lubricant with four additional in development. We also have developed technologies for near full density products made from P/M. Apex produces the best lubricant available for P/M low alloy steel. This unique lubricant allows for low use levels, increased compressibility, high density and easy ejection.


In 2019, Apex Advanced Technologies was purchased by Johnson Electric. During this transition, day-to-day operations have stayed the same.

Apex currently occupies a 15,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Ohio where our products are made on site. We have experienced rapid growth as we have gained acceptance and our expectation is for continued growth. Our client list includes some of the most well known in North America with additional clients in Asia, Europe and South America.







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